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Penny Power Ponders the Necessity of Adaptation in Business

This week I have been pondering the necessity of adaptation in business. I find myself reflecting on how the evolving needs of our clients continually shape the way we operate our business, BIP100 and I hope that this ponder provides time for your own reflection.

As you know, we run a community for business owners, and these are smart, dynamic, progressive people, who like variety, but also like to feel safe.

Safety is found in predictability, while variety embraces the desire for innovation and change, remaining close to advancement in technology and focusing on human emotions and needs.

I thought I would share 8 ways to approach change and remain relevant

  1. We are always seeking to adapt – The balance for all of us in business is to ensure our clients know that as their ‘supplier’, we are always seeking to adapt to them. Our clients’ needs are critical, at the same time, any innovation must always stay within our expertise, beliefs, and the values we held when they trusted us enough to become a client.

  2. Ensuring we stay close to our vision – When we launched BIP100 in October 2020, our vision was clear: create a space where business owners could connect meaningfully, where business grows out of personal understanding and deep, trusted relationships. Due to Covid, this vision initially materialised online through Zooms and a private online community. As conditions changed, so did our approach. Once in-person meetings were possible again, we introduced a single monthly lunch in London—an event that quickly became a cornerstone of connection and community.

  3. BIG is not beautiful- remembering the core reason people love what we do-  As business owners we all love to grow our businesses, however, clients seek to remain important and to be seen and understood. As we grew, from the first member to the goal of 100, events became bigger, and noisier, and there was a danger of losing the intimacy of small groups, losing what being in a community is all about. Our need to adapt was based on the emotional and social needs as well as the business needs for our clients.

  4. Introducing new services – Today, we are not just hosting one monthly gathering; we are moving up to seven diverse in-person events each month, as well as our online meetings for personal and skills learning. This expansion is not merely about growth; it’s about adaptation. It reflects our commitment to meeting our members where they are and providing them with what they desire. Our events now cater to smaller, more intimate groups—often with fewer than twelve attendees—which allows for deeper connections and more personalised interactions.

  5. Importance of listening – Our shift was driven by listening, truly hearing the feedback from our community members and understanding the market’s pulse. Each adjustment in our event strategy has been a response to what our clients need from us to support their growth. We are also aware of the fact that increasingly BIP100 is a ‘mastermind’ experience for our members as well as for social and learning experiences and to create business opportunities

  6. Knowing when to let go – Embracing this level of adaptability requires a keen sense of awareness and a willingness to let go of “what worked” in favour of “what works now.” It’s about staying relevant and responsive, ensuring that our offerings align with the current needs without losing sight of our core values.

  7. Ensuring that ‘the human touch in a digital world’ never leaves our mind, creating love, kindness and nurturing the culture that has made our business achieve the success it has for our members and for us.

  8. Never fearing change- In essence, running BIP100 has been a continuous journey of learning and adapting. It is a vivid reminder that in business, as in life, the only constant is change. We adapt not just to survive, but to thrive, ensuring that our community remains a vital, supportive network that evolves with the times.

This week, as you navigate your own business landscape, consider how adaptation plays a role in your success. Are there areas where a shift in approach could unlock new opportunities? How responsive are you to the changes in your market?

Let’s cherish our ability to adapt—it’s what keeps us relevant, resilient, and deeply connected to those we serve. Remember, the best way to predict the future is to create it through our actions today.

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