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It’s okay not to be okay – lockdown kindness

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It’s okay, not be okay….

Based on calls with clients and prospects this week, every single person I spoke to this week, and that is over 40 business owners, are finding this lockdown tough.

I think the March lockdown gave our brains a jolt, ‘how do I pivot my business?’, how do I manage my cashflow?’. All cerebral thoughts that required a logical approach to our life.

Then our heart took a knock, the reality of deaths, the love we shared, clapping for NHS, the camaraderie of being in this together, a sense of belonging to a cause that we all needed to fight for.

Now, this Lockdown is deep into our souls. There is distrust, where there used to be trust, a sense of hopelessness, where there was hope, a need to have faith in something, but not knowing what to believe in.

I can’t possibly change how you feel, but what I want you to know, is that you are not alone with your emotions, you are okay not to be okay…… and
…… we are all going to come out with a fighting spirit, not just for the economy, but for hugs, love and kindness. That is the shift we will gain, humanity will win, and life we be all the better for the adversity we have.

As an amazing lady said to me this week, a quote from Rumi “the wound is where the light enters’.

Loads of love
Penny xx


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